SquareDocs for Framer

SquareDocs for Framer

SquareDocs for Framer

Premium, editable template for Framer. Craft your documentation effortlessly.

Premium, editable template for Framer. Craft your documentation effortlessly.

Premium, editable template for Framer. Craft your documentation effortlessly.

Premium, editable template for Framer. Craft your documentation effortlessly.

✏️ Easily editable, thanks to premade assets, you can modify all colors and text, such as the Action Color

📑 CMS, edit and manage all pages exclusively within the CMS mode

🧩 Components, finely crafted components with multiple states and Variables

🤖 Automatically generated, all pages and navigation will be generated automatically from the CMS

🌓 Dark and Light Mode, are beautiful modes that deliver a magnificent experience for users

🌐 Optimized SEO, generate og:image for each of Docs page. Designed to improve the discoverability of your documentation.

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+1 6282809082

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+1 6282809082

Interaction Portfolio

Soren Dai

Interaction Portfolio

Soren Dai

Interaction Portfolio

Soren Dai